
Laravel 9.38 is released

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Laravel 9.38 is released

Laravel 9.38 is released

Laravel web development has received additional tools. The Laravel team released version 9.38 with:

  • isolated craft commands;
  • configurable maximum exceptions for messages that are out of queue;
  • conditional intermediate programs for implementing notifications, etc.

Isolated Artisan Commands

The Isolatable interface is presented by Oliver Nybroe. It makes it possible to ensure that your commands run only one process.

The first command that enables the Isolatable interface is the migration command. By applying the -isolated flag, it is possible to limit migrations to one active process. This also ensures that 2 servers cannot run the migration command at the same time:php artisan migrate -isolated.

Other new features

You can set the session store handler. Samuel Stancl has added the setHandler method to the Session Store class. This allows connection to the database on the fly. A notification middleware has been installed. This uses a channel instance and a notified instance.

The notification queue can set a maximum number of exceptions. This innovation was introduced by Andrew Monty. This feature is useful when there are many retries. It may be necessary in such situations - there was a speed limit by a third party, or it is not performed for other reasons. In this case, you want to adjust the maximum number of allowed exceptions.

These are new possibilities for setting up work, creating a site

The innovations provide additional features and make web development in Laravel. much easier. They are easy and simple to use. If you already have experience in this business, it won't be hard to figure out what's what. Download already updated version Laravel 9.38 from the official website. You will get an improved tool for web development with a wide range of opportunities to do such work. Download and use the software.

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